Field Trips
Field Trips
Self-Guided Field Trip
- $2 per student
- At your own pace
- Guided by tour pamphlet
- Walk your group through the Garden using the provided map and tour pamphlet to learn about each of the 12 theme gardens.
Guided Field Trip
- $3 per student
- 60 – 90 minutes
- 1 – 3 classes
- Guided by tour guide
- Subjects may cover vegetables, plant adaptations, life cycles, butterfly gardening, native plants, and cool plant facts while enticing the senses and walking through the 12 theme gardens.
Station Field Trip
- $5 per student
- 90 minutes
- 3 – 4 classes
- Classes will rotate through stations at the garden
- Students will learn different Earth Science and Environmental Science activities and lessons throughout each garden. Lessons and activities cover caterpillar camouflage, freshwater resources, animal habitats, greenhouses, and more!
Butterfly Field Trip
- $5 per student
- 90 minutes
- 3 – 4 classes
- Classes will rotate through stations at the garden
- Similar to our station field trip, one station is the butterfly house. The Butterfly
House station will cover the butterfly life cycle, host and nectar plants, and
then walk through the butterfly house. Other stations will be over caterpillar
camouflage, pollination/pollinators, animal habitats, and more. Butterflies are
active during the months of May – September.
Event Field Trips
Be Green Field Trips
- $8 per student
- 90 minutes
- 1 – 6 classes (Limited # of spots for field trip event)
- Typically the week of Earth Day in mid to late April
- Classes will rotate through community partner booths at the Garden
- Each booth is a local environmental or kids organization with a short educational activity or craft
Butterfly Days
Field Trips
- $8 per student
- 90 minutes
- 1 – 6 classes (Limited # of spots for field trip event)
- Typically at the beginning of Fall, late September or early October
- Classes will rotate through butterfly stations at the Garden
- Each station is a butterfly lesson. The Butterfly House station will cover the butterfly life cycle, host and nectar plants, and a walk through the butterfly house. Other stations will be over monarch migration, caterpillar camouflage, butterfly defenses, pollination/pollinators, and more.
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students reached in 2024
Children’s Programming