What’s In Bloom: June 2024
June 2024 Angelonia angustifolia Summer snapdragon’s name is somewhat misleading. Summer snapdragon, Angelonia angustifolia, is not even closely related to the common snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus,...
Where Are All the Monarchs?
Where are all the monarchs?Monarchs can be among the earliest spring butterflies to be seen in Northwest Arkansas. That may not be the case this year. Reports of the overwintering population in...
What’s In Bloom: May 2024
May 2024Osteospermum ecklonisAfrican Daisy is a member of the daisy family with many similarities to its cousins. Like any other member of the aster family, it has symmetrical petals that radiate...
What’s In Bloom: April 2024
April 2024Magnolia acuminataGold Star magnolia, or the Cucumber Tree, is one of several deciduous magnolias that we have an opportunity to grow successfully in the Ozark region. Unlike the more...
What’s In Bloom: March 2024
March 2024Narcissus Tete-a-TeteNarcissus 'Tete-a-Tete' is a heirloom daffodil that is often overlooked from the many different daffodils gardeners can plant. This early fragrant buttercup-yellow...
What’s In Bloom: February 2024
February 2024Galanthus nivalisThe scientific name for “snowdrops” is Galanthus nivalis, which means, ‘milk flower of the snow', which refers to the flower color and its early flowering time. This...
What’s In Bloom: January 2024
Paperbark Maple is an excellent choice to plant where you need a small statured tree. This deciduous tree originates from Central China. At maturity it can reach 20 feet tall with a similar spread.
What’s In Bloom: December 2023
December 2023Antirrhinum majusSnapdragons are an old garden favorite for many. Growing up on a dairy farm, there was not much energy devoted to having a flower garden but my parents always planted...
What’s In Bloom: November 2023
Fall weather brings on lots of changes in the garden with summer color slowing down and cool season plants starting to show what they are made of. One of those cool season plants is Ornamental kale.
What’s In Bloom: October 2023
Candlestick Plant is also known as emperor’s candlesticks, candle bush, candelabra bush, Christmas candles, empress candle plant, ringworm shrub, or candletree. A plant with so many common names you would think you would see this in many of our gardens but it’s not.